Yous know that Facebook Ads can be a great tool in your business arsenal. You can go your work seen by the right people, let them know about your offerings, grow your listing, and even brand sales.

What you can't practice is figure out which ads work all-time for your business if you don't accept the Facebook Pixel in identify from the outset!

"What exactly is this Facebook Pixel you speak of, Claire?"

It'southward so much more unproblematic than it sounds. Basically you put a bit of code in the backend of your website JUST ONE Time , and it helps you practice ii really cool things:

  1. Show ads to people who accept visited your website in the past (also known as retargeting ), and
  2. Track conversions with your Facebook ads.

If you larn best via video, cheque out this super short video I made about how people usually MESS Up Facebook conversion tracking, and so what happens to your money if that mistake is made:

Commencement let'southward call up virtually what the "conversions" in your business are. For most online businesses, conversions are usually when a prospect converts to a customer. In other words, when someone buys something from you lot.

But y'all have a lot of other important conversions also, such as:

  • I sign upward for your newsletter.
  • Instead of but browsing your online store, I really add together something to my cart.
  • I opt in to your free or reduced-price trial membership.
  • Later on reading your blog post, I click over to check out the sales folio of your production or service.

You get to gear up the conversions in your business, and usually yous add them as "goals" in your Google Analytics account.

For your Facebook ads, nevertheless, it's Really easy to encounter non only which ads are netting yous the nigh conversions, but how much each one of those conversions is costing you.
So it's time to install this pixel and then gear up conversion tracking – yous with me?

Start in the Ads Manager by visiting director . (This is assuming that you already have a Facebook advertising account connected to your regular profile. If you've ever boosted a post or run an advert, you lot take this account.)

Click on the petty hamburger carte du jour icon at the top left of your screen, and and then coil over All Tools. A larger card volition pop out to the right. Click on Pixels under Mensurate & Report.

how to install the facebook pixel squarespace ads manager

Click on the green button that says Create a Pixel. Give it a name similar "[Your Company Name] Facebook Pixel." And so click the Create Pixel button.

how to install the facebook pixel squarespace create pixel

Annotation: if you don't see the light-green Create a Pixel push, information technology means y'all've already created your Facebook Pixel. But to be sure yous've installed it in the right identify, click on the button that says Actions so on View Pixel code. Proceed to follow the rest of these directions.

Ringlet downwards to step 2; y'all'll meet a box with several lines of lawmaking in it; go alee and copy/paste the lawmaking into a doc on your computer so yous tin can access information technology later.

how to install the facebook pixel squarespace view pixel

Can't find that code? Check out this 25-second Ads Director tour:

Now you demand to place it in the backend of your website. Below are instructions for WordPress sites.

If your site is on Squarespace, click hither for instructions.

Important: if you lot use Leadpages, y'all must add this lawmaking to all of your Leadpages pages, even if you use the WordPress plugin. This lawmaking does not transfer from your site to any "external" pages like Leadpages, ClickFunnels, or any other page creators.

Click here for instructions for Leadpages pages.

How to Place the Facebook Pixel on Your WordPress Site

  1. Go into the Plugins section of your WordPress site and download and install a plugin called Insert Headers and Footers.
  2. Then nether Settings, click on Insert Headers and Footers.
  3. Copy that lawmaking over again, either from the Ads Managing director or from the doc that you lot saved on your estimator, and paste it into the Scripts in Headers box.
  4. Click Relieve.

That's it! Your Facebook pixel is installed.You do Not demand to install any event codes, unless you have hundreds of products for auction on your site.

To test it, install the free Chrome Pixel Helper extension and then visit your site.


(From at present on, you'll be able to see whether this pixel has been installed on whatever site. Makes me feel like MacGyver!)

How to Ready Custom Conversions

Now that the pixel is in place, y'all desire to make sure it can report info near people taking actions on your Facebook ads. The new way (as of belatedly 2015) is with custom conversions ).

Custom conversions are RIDICULOUSLY piece of cake to gear up:

1. Go back to the Ads Manager and click on the menu at the top left. Hover over All Tools and then select Custom Conversions.

how to install the facebook pixel squarespace setup custom conversions

ii. Click on the blueish Create Custom Conversion push button.

3. Insert the url of the folio on your site that "marks the conversion." Commonly that means a "thank you" page that people see after signing upward for your free content or ownership your product.

Set up custom conversions

Skip the conversion value (unless you're tracking purchases, in which instance you lot should put the price of your product).

five. Click the Create push, and relax considering you lot are Done!

How to Connect Your Custom Conversion to Your Facebook Ads

This is one thing I dear nearly this way to track conversions for your Facebook ads: it's automatic! You don't need to "connect" them similar you did in the past.

Any and all custom conversions you lot've created will be tracked on every campaign you run and then long equally you lot see this option toggled on when creating your ads:

Facebook pixel toggled on

And that, my friend, is it. Let's recap real quick:

  1. Create your Facebook Pixel in the Ads Managing director one time only.
  2. Install it on your WordPress site one time just .
  3. Create custom conversions whenever you accept a new thing that people can sign upward for (like a cheatsheet, webinar, interest list, etc.) or product.

Why You MIGHT Desire to Get Creative With Your Custom Conversions

Note: you lot do NOT demand to do whatsoever of the following, just if you're reeeeeeally into tracking stuff or you lot're serving a customer who likes lots of information about their campaigns, read on!

You lot can also create custom conversions for some more nuanced actions people take while visiting your website. One case is visiting an important folio, like a sales folio for your product or service. If you have an ecommerce store, another good conversion is adding a product to their cart.

So if you desire to become deeper with your tracking, create a custom conversion with the category "View Content."

And then you could run ads to a web log mail service of yours that ends with a pitch for your product. When looking at your reports, you could see:

  1. How many people clicked over to the blog post;
  2. How many of THOSE people clicked from the weblog post to your sales folio;
  3. How many people ended up buying your production as a effect of your Facebook ads.

Adding more custom conversions allows yous to come across the different steps of your funnel, and to discover out how many people are making it from one step to the next.

Getting More than Advanced With Standard Events

In 2018, tons of my students and a few of my clients were met with a nasty surprise – all of a sudden their custom conversion tracking simplystopped working. ????

That forced me to kickoff using Standard Events, which is some other way to track your conversions. Many people still aren't using standard events, simply I highly recommend you take the extra time to larn about them and get them set.

Best way to do that? Watch the video below for a Standard Events overview – jump to minute 01:45 to skip over the intro:

Wow, you must beloved detailed blog posts if you're all the fashion downward here. Does all that make sense? Allow me know what your Facebook Pixel or Custom Conversions questions are in the comments beneath!

Quick question earlier you lot go: are yous 100% clear on what ad strategy to use to really brand more than sales in your business?

Yes, running ads tin can help y'all grow your audience and make more sales, only only if you go into it with a clear understanding ofwhy you're promoting each thing, and where it fits in the bigger marketing moving picture.

Observe the specific Facebook and Instagram ads I use every month for my 7 and 8 figure clients in this gratuitous masterclass: